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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



Enroll in the Registered Apprentice Program (RAP) to kick-start your career journey. Through this program, your employer provides firsthand experience in your selected trade, aiding in your decision-making process regarding its suitability for you.

Engage in your chosen trade:

  • Part-time throughout the academic year,
  • For a semester,
  • During weekends and holidays, or
  • Throughout the summer.

While gaining practical experience, you will:

  • Receive wages,
  • Earn up to 40 high school credits, and
  • Accumulate on-the-job apprenticeship hours, setting the groundwork for journeyman certification post-high school.

Information about the Registered Apprenticeship program is available on the Alberta government Tradesecrets website.

Students should connect with Student Services to get started in the RAP.