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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



In an effort to reduce traffic congestion, we encourage students to walk or take transit to school!  

Busing to School

  • Edmonton Transit Service (ETS) is the recommended transportation method for high school students. Currently, these are the ETS routes serving the school:
    • Route 56 (from Meadows, Mill Woods, and Century Park via 17 Street and 23 Avenue)
    • Route 516 (from Laurel)
    • Route 644 (from Silverberry and Wild Rose)
    • Route 645 (extra service from Meadows TC)
    • Route 646 (extra service from Mill Woods TC)
    • Route 647 (extra service from Laurel)
    We will continue to monitor the ridership and may adjust the service during the year as needed.
  • Arc card - ETS is transitioning to the Arc system.
    • If you already have an Arc card, you can continue to use the same card.
    • If you don’t have an Arc card, you can get one from the main office.
    • You must register your Arc card before you use it. Instructions are available on SchoolZone.
    • You must reload your card monthly via SchoolZone.
    • Cards can be reloaded the last two days of the current month and the first two days of the upcoming month.

Driving to school

  • There are designated student parking spaces at the back of the school. 
  • There is a designated spot to park to wait to pick up your child at the back of the school. 
  • Please do not wait or block traffic in any driving lane around the Meadows Recreation Centre.  
  • Please see the Parking Map that shows our student pick up and drop off zones.

Parent pick up/drop off

  • There is a pick up and drop off loop at the front of the school with two exits back to 17th street (one is right turn only). 
  • In the interest of student safety, there is NO PICKUP OR DROP OFF ON 17 STREET. 

We want everyone entering and leaving our school site to be safe. Please follow all parking and traffic regulations, and obey all signs in and around our school. Following traffic rules is the best way to ensure the safety of our students, staff and community. 

Please see the 17 Street 23 Avenue Construction Bulletin with more information regarding the ongoing road widening work.